Lesson series

Book your "Card Threading with Love". Card Threading Session is a experienced method of dialing in and compensating Your future your experience will be in ways you may not even imagined it. It will  be amazing. Extenuating circumstances will be rehersed and released , no need to worry , we are comptent and very skilled in what we are doing, no harm will come to anyone ever with this type of reading.  NEW and it all started here A new level of Card Reading that brings in change and compliment your future, manifests and locks in love . 

Card Threading is New type and it all started here.  Copyright & owner here at The School of Light. Get your own personal reading here with Maya or Me. approximately 30 minute or more answering question or clarifing concerns for you via email messanging or using Zoom . The sessions are perfect for anyone that wants to move forward. after you enroll you will be contacted for appointment time 

Join my school and you won't regret it..I have many tools and activational resources to many types of healings. 

I am the author and have been tasked to bring this forward for manefesting and creating change in ones life. I hold credentials from the highest level for purposes I am still being aware of and this is one. It will magnify the energy for whatever you are wanting to create as your life and its purpose. By ascending with Love you create the most perfect alignment for change and manefestations become your reality . By identifying where you are and where you are going this is the ultimate tool. reaching your desires and enjoying the outcome of them. 
Write your awesome label here.
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