Rainbow Equalibrium Tool for workspace, office or home space
Balance and performance for this tool. Its all about movement and this does its thing, needs spining from time to time. includes shipping if local or for pick up email me
My name is Starlet Paradis I welcome you, I
have many abilities with ancient wisdom with the accuracy of God and
his channelling, you are welcome to participate in any of the offerings available
here to help you assist you in enhancing your abilities, your well-being and
more. there is more That I offer than
what you see here so stay tuned or ask , as I said very diverse. Thank You for
being You.💗💚 Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or If you
are hosting any workshop events or retreats , speaking engagements or ? I am
very unique and offer precedence in my abilities and offer healing guidance and
love , with love is my teaching and guidance to a better world better way to be
with perseverance and stability in life itself . the emerge of equality in all
that I offer. I direct and coach workshops with a preference to the acknowledgement
to the times we are in. If you have any inquires contact me through message and
I will get back to you. Love and Light to you and your family.