Lesson series
This tool charges ones love cells, Charges the hopes and desires to a frequency of love where all is achnowledged and granted. It will charge up your declaration of feeling great and so on and held in different areas of you being does different things but still will only be charging you from inside out holding you in Love as long as possible ascending you from fear and interpreting itself as a tool to help manifest your desires your dreams all in the congestion you may still have lingering in your energy field and don't know it. It is meant to carry the current in through out your channels and fulfill your destiny of Love, Carrying a charge for gratitude, of Love, from a True prospective of love. The truth that lies within you.
You will Love this powerful little tool that not only charges your love cells buts perks them up induces them through out you your core making space as it goes. Only those that have experienced it first hand can tell you the significance of it. If you are ready to ascend more in love then ever you will feel it directly and have amazing transformations with Love cells expanding through out your bodies. Suggestions(instructions) will be included but always be open to your own intuitiveness and how or when to use it. Prices includes shipping, expect two weeks or more depending where to. Thank you. More spiritual ascension tools available and discounted when you order the group or tool box